Mohammed Shamuz Miah (Burnley, UK)

My Journey

Mohammed Shamuz Miah came to the UK using a voucher issued by the government to people migrating to the country after the 1962 Commonwealth Immigration Act:

It was published in the newspapers that the British government was giving voucher visas. I went to Sylhet Town and filled out the form. I collected the voucher at the end of 1963 and came to this country on 15 January 1964…

He landed at Heathrow and came to Burnley by taxi. He had a 'cousin-brother' (fufato bhai) there who paid for the taxi and helped him find work.

When I came to this country, I had no work for six weeks. I had no money in my pocket. My fufato bhai was here and he was working in a cotton mill. He helped me get a job in the mill…

We came here to earn money. We were born in a poor country. We came to a developed country to earn money. We had no wish to settle here. We intended to earn some money and go back home with the money and settle over there.

The mill




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