
The Project

LSEThe LSE Sociology Department is one of the premier sociology departments in the world, with a dynamic research culture, eminent staff and associated researchers, and international student body.
CRASSHThe Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Cambridge (CRASSH) was established at the University of Cambridge in 2001 as a hub for dynamic scholarly encounter and development.
Runnymede TrustThe Runnymede Trust is the UK's leading independent race equality thinktank. They generate intelligence for a multi-ethnic Britain through research, network building, leading debate, and policy engagement

Bengali and Asian Culture

Swadhinata Trust logoThe Swadhinata Trust is a London based secular Bengali heritage group that works to promote Bengali history and heritage amongst young people.
The Bengali Cultural Association The Bengali Cultural Association is a registered charity based in East London that celebrates and promotes Bengali culture and heritage.

Sanaton AssociationThe Sanaton Association provides information and support for the Bengali speaking Hindu community in Greater London. It also organises cultural and community events.
The Smethwick Bangladeshi Youth Forum is a registered charity that works to support the communities of Smethwick.
Virtual BangladeshVirtual Bangladesh is a factual website covering 'almost everything there is to know about Bangladesh'. The site includes information on Bangladesh's history, geography, culture, language and literature.
Bangladesh Centre LondonThe Bangladesh Centre, London is a voluntary community organisation supporting Bangladeshis living in the London area, as well as the rest of the UK.
BanglaTV broadcasts a wide selection of Bengali television programmes online. is an Indian blog, search engine and web directory. 
BritBangla is a celebration of the achievements of British Bengalis from all over the country. The aim is to promote these extraordinary talents and draw attention to the remarkable contribution Bengalis have made to British society.
Bangla CafeBanglaCafe is an online community that endeavours to bring Bangladeshis from all over the world together. 
Hindu Forum of BritainThe Hindu Forum of Britain (HFB) is the largest umbrella body for British Hindus with more then 420 member organisations from around the country.

News Resources

Online newspapers for British Bangladeshis include: Bangla Mirror News,,, Bangla PostOnline BDNewsAktiBangladesh, The Daily Star, The New Nation, Parabaas and BBC Bangla.
The HinduThe Hindu is the online edition of India's National Newspaper.
Islam OnlineIslam Online is an online newspaper providing Islamic news and current affairs.
The South AsianThe South Asian provides international news and discussions on issues affecting South Asian people.
Culture 24Culture24 contains up-to-date news, exhibition reviews, links, listings and education resources from thousands of UK museums, galleries, archives and libraries.

Oral Histories and Research

Oral History SocietyThe Oral History Society is a UK organisation that promotes the collection, preservation and use of recorded memories of the past.
The International Oral Histories Association is a network for a wide range of oral history projects.
The Oral Histories Collection: Centre of South Asian Studies (Cambridge University) is a large collection of oral history and other sound recordings taken from research.
Moving HereMoving Here is an archive allowing users to explore photos, recordings and documents, research their family history and even add their own story of migration to the collection.
Asian VoicesAsian Voices is a University of Huddersfield Oral History Project on first generation Asian migration to the UK.
Bengali Intellectuals and Decolonization is a Tufts University project that conducts oral histories with leading senior intellectuals of West Bengal and Bangladesh born between 1920 and 1950.
BE-ME records the experiences of African-Caribbean and Asian people who came to Wolverhampton after WW2.
Minding Histories is an oral history project that records the testimonies of individuals from BME groups who reside in the London Borough of Bexley in order to explore the resettlement heritage of these communities.
The First Asians in Britain is a collection of online seminars that discuss the history of Asian migration to Britain.
BASAThe Black and Asian Studies Association (BASA) aims to foster research disseminate information on the history of Black and Asian people in Britain.
Whispers of Time is an oral history project about Chinese immigrants in the UK.
Telling Their StoriesTelling Their Stories is an oral history archives project by the Urban School of San Francisco that includes interviews with individuals who witnessed key historic events of the 20th Century.
The Two Minute Silence project traces the evolution and continuing relevance of the Remembrance Day silence, which marked its 90th anniversary in November 2009.
The Immigrants Project is an Oral History Project that tells the stories of people from all over the world who came to settle in Reading.
BanglaPraxis is a public interest research, policy analysis and solidarity organisation based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Tandana provides information on the South Asian rights struggle in Britain, supplemented with Oral Histories.
IRRThe Institute of Race Relations (IRR) is an independent educational charity that conducts research, publishes and collects resources on race relations throughout the world.
The East Midlands Oral History Archive contains the first large-scale archive of oral history recordings for Leicestershire and Rutland.
CASBAH is a pilot web site for research resources relating to Caribbean Studies and the history of Black and Asian peoples in the UK.
The Centre for Contemporary British History, Institute of Historical Research, University of London manages research projects, including the collection of oral testimony for the use of present and future historians.
Community ArchivesCommunity Archives and Heritage Group supports and promotes community archives in the UK and contains a section for black and minority ethnic communities.
Untold London explores the histories of the diverse people of London as they are told in museums, galleries, archives and community heritage organisations.
Connecting Histories includes information on the experiences and histories of Birmingham's different communities.
The Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty at the University of Sussex aims 'to promote new policy approaches that will help to maximize the potential benefits of migration for poor people, whilst minimizing its risks and costs'.
The Museum of Immigration is a heritage group that isattempting to save a historic Spitalfields building and transform it into an 'Immigration Museum'.
CRONEM is a multidisciplinary research centre in the field of nationalism, ethnicity and multiculturalism. It brings together those at Surrey and Roehampton who are engaged in these issues.
Whitechapel Gallery is an internationally acclaimed East London art gallery.
InivaIniva engages with new ideas and emerging debates in the contemporary visual arts, reflecting in particular the cultural diversity of contemporary society.
Autograph is a charity that works internationally to educate the public in photography, with a particular emphasis on issues of cultural identity and human rights.
Making Britain: Discover how South Asians shaped the nation, 1870-1950 provides information on over 500 South Asians in Britain from 1870 to 1950, their British connections, the organisations they were involved in and the major events in which they participated. The database highlights biographical, bibliographical and archival references for scholars interested in the South Asian presence in Britain. The website also offers innovative browsing options, including a timeline, network diagram and interactive location map.
South Asians Making Britain: 1858-1950. This online timeline published on The Guardian website highlights the research of the 'Making Britain' project. It offers a wide range of visual examples of South Asians presences in Britain from 1858 to 1950.

Teaching Resources 

The Real Histories Directory is a resource tool developed by the Runnymede Trust for teachers, parents, pupils and the wider community to support them in teaching and learning about cultural diversity in the UK.
Who Do We Think We Are?Who Do We Think We Are? is an online resource for teachers and young people exploring issues of identity, diversity and citizenship.
Insted provides information to schools and other institutions about cultural diversity and equality.
Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT) provides resources to help teach citizenship, including subjects such as identity and tolerance.
Teachernet is a teaching resources website supported by the Department for Education and Skills in the UK.
Teaching IdeasTeaching Ideas is an online community in which teachers can share ideas for lesson plans and classroom activities.
Free Teaching Resources lists resources, lesson plans and worksheets produced by top UK charities, museums and more. They have been reviewed and are ready for teachers to use.
Topmarks is an 'educational search engine' allowing access to a wide range of educational websites across a variety of subjects.
Tide~ global learning is a network of teachers and educators coming together to respond to the educational challenges of global dimensions, development perspectives and human rights principles.
Teachers TVTeachers TV contains downloadable teaching resources and videos across a variety of subjects and stages.
The Schools History Project provides innovative new ways to teach and explore history in schools.
The Museum of London Learning Resource Bank contains learning resources based upon London's urban history.
EMA Online supports those working with black and other minority ethnic pupils.The National Archives' The Road to Partition 1939-47 allows students and teachers to develop their own lines of historical enquiry or historical questions using original documents on this period of history. Teachers can use the collection to develop their own resources or encourage students to 'curate' their own 'exhibition' of the most significan documents on the topic.

Young People

Bangladeshi Students AssociationThe Bangladeshi Students Association offers support and information for Bangladeshi students who have chosen to study in the UK.
BYMThe Bangladesh Youth Movement (BYM) conducts community work and cultural and educational exchanges primarily for the Bangladesh youth community in Tower Hamlets.
Muslim Youth HelplineThe Muslim Youth Helpline (MYH) is a registered charity that provides pioneering faith and culturally sensitive services to Muslim youth in the UK.
Muslim is 'the coolest online space for Muslim Youth!'
CBBC NewsroundCBBC Newsround is a news resource aimed at children and teenagers.
BBC Schools provides online learning resources and support for those in Primary and Secondary school, as well as advice for parents and teachers. is an Indian educational portal that allows users to share educational content and improve their English.



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