Further study
The Bengali Diaspora in Britain: a review of the literature by Claire Alexander, Shahzad Firoz and Naaz Rashid (235kb)
A Bibliographic Guide on Bangladeshis in UK by Claire Alexander, Shahzad Firoz and Naaz Rashid (306kb)
Dr Claire Alexander's publications (25kb)
Dr Joya Chatterjee's publications (41kb)
Further Reading
Adams, Caroline (1987) Across Seven Seas and Thirteen Rivers: Life Stories of Pioneer Settlers in Britain, London: Thap Books
C. Alexander (2004) ‘Imagining the Asian Gang: ethnicity, masculinity and youth after the “riots” ’, Critical Social Policy, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp526-549
C. Alexander (2005) ‘Embodying Violence: "Riots", Dis/Order and the Private Lives of "The Asian Gang" ' in C. Alexander & C. Knowles (ed), Making Race Matter: Bodies, Space and Identity, Palgrave Macmillan)
C. Allen (2003) Fair Justice: the Bradford Disturbances, the Sentencing and the Impact, Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism
Ansari, Humayan (2004) The Infidel Within: Muslims in Britain Since 1800, London: Hurst and Company
Choudhury, Y. (1993) The Roots and Tales of Bangladeshi Settlers, Birmingham: Sylhet Social History Group
Choudhury, Y. (1995) Sons of the Empire, Birmingham: Sylhet Social History Group
Eade, J., Ullah, A.A., Iqbal, J. & Hey, M. (2006) Tales of Three Generations of Bengalis in Britain, London: Nirmal Committee/CRONEM
Eade, J. (1989) The Politics of Community: the Bangladeshi Community in East London, Aldershot: Avebury
Fisher, Michael, Lahiri, S. & Thandi, S. (2007) A South-Asian History of Britain, Oxford: Greenwood World Publishing
Gardner, K. (1995) Global migrants, Local Lives: Migration and Transformation in Rural Bangladesh, Oxford: OUP
Gardner, K. (2002) Narrative, Age and Migration: Life History and Life Course amongst Bengali Elders in London , Oxford: Berg
Home Affairs Committee Session (1986-7) Bangladeshis in Britain, Vol 1-3, London: HMSO
Home Office (2001) Community Cohesion (The Cantle Report), HMSO
Islam, S.M. (1997) The Mapmakers of Spitalfields, Leeds: Peepal Tree Press Ltd.
Kabeer, N. (2000) The Power to Choose: Bangladeshi women and the Labour Market in London and Dhaka, London: Verso
Visram, Rozina (1986) Ayahs, Lascars and Princes: Indians in Britain 1700-1947, London: Pluto Press
Visram, Rozina (2002) Asians in Britain: 400 Years of History, London: Pluto Press