Aleya Parveen (Birmingham, UK)

Who I am

Aleya Parveen lives in Birmingham. She is 28 years old, one of the youngest people we interviewed, and arrived in the UK only three years ago, as a bride. She represents those people who came as restaurant workers and brides and now live all over the country. Aleya is a housewife, and her husband Akram is a restaurant owner. He was brought up in the UK.

Aleya was born in Bangladesh. She was married five years ago to her 'cousin brother'. The marriage was arranged by her UK-based uncle but Aleya had already known her husband-to-be and liked him.

Aleya had worked in Bangladesh as a model and presenter. She is now involved with local Bangladeshi cultural organisations including the local branch of Udichi, a Bengali cultural organisation. 'I've taken part in drama, and musical productions; I sang Rabindranath Tagore songs.'

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Restaurant specials


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